Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Changed settings...

I have been hearing in order to comment on my blog you have to be a registered user. I changed the settings so that anyone can comment. I hope I did it right! Please let me know! :) I would love to hear your comments and I don't think it can go without saying that its encouraging to know that people are reading this! I get emails and phone calls, but its so nice to go back and read the comments with the post! :) Have fun and hopefully you are able to comment away!!

I feel as if I haven't been doing such a great job updating this thing! I am really trying to keep you updated with THE RACE...I have to say, I am getting a little tired. There were two days last week I was sick, and I fear being sick again, seeing as how my entire department is sick! HAND SANITIZER!! Anyway, I am feeling good, and still on track.

I move up to four miles this week for a long run. I think I would be more excited had I not run 7.5 this past Sat. I do not, however, plan on running 7 miles again until the appointed time. I felt good, but I don't think I was really ready. 2 weeks of 4 mile long runs, and then I move on to 3 weeks of 5 mile long runs! :) I am getting more and more excited especially seeing some results in different areas. I feel like I am on my very own episode of "Biggest Looser"! :)

As for the "other race", ahh, running is helping, but this past week was a hard one. I am really struggling though some hard anger issues. I have been so quick tempered, easily annoyed, and the bigger problem, I haven't really felt bad about it unless it directly affects people close to me, and then its because I feel bad because I love the people I was hateful to, but not because I have sinned against God. BIG PROBLEM!

I didn't take communion because of this, and not feeling reconciled to a fellow believer in Christ, and not having a right relationship with Christ. I am thankful for the sacrifice he made, and I am thankful that there is HOPE in that sacrifice, but I didn't want to make a mockery of that sacrifice by partaking in the Lords Supper with a hard, unrepentant heart. This week, I am going to try to spend more time focusing on Christ and that sacrifice He made so I can REST in the HOPE I have in Him, instead of just knowing its there and not doing anything with it.

Monday, January 11, 2010


What a weekend! Saturday began a day of firsts for me! It was awesome! I for the first time drank a gallon and a half of water! One whole gallon was while I was at work between the hours of 8am and 2 pm! What in the world? The other half gallon was consumed while I was accomplishing my 2nd FIRST of the day. I went running and went a total distance of 7.5 miles, only walking a mile and a half and not at the same time! Conflict: I didn't have enough nutrients in my body to go any further, so when I did eat, I accomplished my 3rd FIRST of the day; eating an entire foot long turkey sub on wheat with a stink load of veggies!!! Oh what a day!! I feel as if I am making progress!!