Monday, February 8, 2010

I can't believe it!

I have been so horrible about updating this thing. I thought this would be a good way to channel my thoughts, and include you on what is going on in my life. However, I haven't had motivation to think, let alone, think and write at the same time. I feel ok saying at this point, that I am going through a time in my life where I am not sure if I am coming or going, and I am not happy about it either way. It just seems like I keep getting hit by monstrous waves of adversity, and I can't seem to get my footing, and because of that I just keep feeling like I am drowning. It is hard to make decisions, I can't seem to get anything together. I feel unorganized and out of order. I am taking small steps to get back to normalcy, but with every one step towards normalcy, those big waves of adversity knock me back about 5. I am really struggling to hang on, but I know that the Lord, somehow, even though I don't understand how, has a purpose. I know, even though its hard to feel it, or believe it, that He is doing this for my GOOD and for His GLORY. I really don't understand how He is doing it, but I know He is. He is BIGGER than the ANGER I feel, BIGGER than the INSOMNIA, he is BIGGER than all the struggles, and HE IS BIGGER than all the feelings of hopelessness. He is HOPE and with His strength I can pull through.

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