Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I just got off the phone with my dad. We were discussing plans for April, and all the details of the race. The more we talked about it the more excited I got! Let’s be honest, I am not the fittest person, and I am not going to place well, but that is not something I really care about. I care about finishing the race, and finishing well. I want to finish knowing that I have trained as hard as I could, do as much as I could do; having no doubt in my mind there was anything that I could have done better. I want to finish knowing that I have pushed through the hard times being unwilling to let up or give up! I want to finish knowing that when all is said and done I have used my time wisely. I have used that time to think, pray, and worship the God who has given me the ability and strength to even be running this race. I know there will be times when I won’t feel like getting up. I know there will be times when I am so tired and so sore that it may seem completely impossible for me to even get out of bed and run another mile. It will be then that I am reminded, “I WILL run the race set before me…” I want to know that when all is said and done and I have run the race, that God’s GLORY was shone, that I relied on HIS strength and gave him the glory he deserves. I cannot do this on my own. There are so many lessons to be learned through seeking him during this time. I am so excited about how the Lord is going to change my life through this event.
I will run the race that is set before me, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith…

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