Monday, December 28, 2009


No running for me this morning! It was cooooolllld! Burrrr! What do I do when it gets colder? Or when there is snow and ice on the ground? Obstacles of training. I need to find an elliptical or treadmill. Indoor training!! Whatever the obstacle I must carry on! This is week number 1 of hard core training! I have to be running a consistent mile and half to two miles every day until sat. Sat I will run 3 miles, and repeat the whole thing next week. Week 3, I will increase to four miles!! I have to overcome the small obstacles!

Obstacle 2: How to I avoid without avoiding? I do mean avoiding people and situations, not necessarily to run from them, but to deal with them and avoid getting hurt. I know it sounds odd, but it really does make sense. If you take a boiling pot and stick your finger in it, it will burn you! So if you know it will burn you, why stick your finger in it in the first place? You are avoiding HURT by staying away! It is beneficial! So, with people, if you know you are going to get hurt if you get in the pot, why put yourself in the situation at all? If I attend this particular event, I will be jumping right in that pot, and not only will I sit there and "stew" about what's going on, but I will "burn" later when I sit and think about how much it hurts to be around certain people. It really isn't so much that I am angry,I am, but mostly, I am determined to get rid of these dumb feelings I never wanted or asked for in the first place that have caused me nothing but trouble. The obstacle, wanting to be with other people I love and care about, without excluding someone else or feeling excluded. Is is possible to be in the same room as him without wanting to bawl my eyes out? Is is possible to go have a great time with out it feeling awkward for me and others? I guess time will tell.

Obstacles are hard, how we handle those obstacles determine the strength we actually gain from them, and will prove whether or not we took the short cut or easy way out.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friend,
    Take some time away. You are right that putting yourself in the pot will not be good. Some people can handle it, but I think most of us cannot. It may be a month or a few... it may take years to completely heal. But dear friend, take the time you need and do not worry about what others think/say about it.
