Sunday, December 27, 2009

Running the Race

December 24, 2009

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2

Dear readers,
I watched a movie last week that inspired this blog. Like the girl in the movie, I never finish anything, and also like her, decided it was time to do something about it. I am going through a season of my life where I feel the only thing I am successful at is existing, and I don’t even feel I am doing that well. I will be writing about the race that is before me spiritually, but also the Half Marathon I am training for that will take place in April. These two parallel quite a bit in my life at the moment as I seek to trust the Lord as he teaches me discipline, courage, strength and faith.
Running is a new thing for me. I have only been running a little less than a year. It will be a year in February to be exact. I have always struggled with my weight, and decided running would be a good source of exercise, but also a way to channel the stresses of life. It’s one of the ways I can have time to myself, but also have time with the Lord, to think, pray, express worry; worship. Like all beginner runners I had a starting place. I couldn’t run more than a mile, if that much, but after months of training, I ran my first 5K race in Cincinnati, OH on August 22, 2009. I ran an entire 3 miles, which is something I have never done before. My roommates were there to watch, and encourage as I ran across the finish line.
This season of my life is proving to be one of the most difficult of my adult life. I am far away from my family. I have just been through a hard relationship change, getting my heartbroken yet again, but knowing that somehow, someway, the Lord will once again, pick me up, hold me in his arms, catch every tear, and mend my heart. I believe getting through this season will be like training for my first real race. It will take a lot of discipline, courage, strength, and faith which can only be found in trusting the Lord. I cannot rely on my own strength, it will fail. I must rely upon the Lord. I have no other choice! Who knows better than Him what my future holds? Who knows better than him where my heart truly lies? Three miles was a huge task, thirteen is greater. Facing this season in my life is also a huge task; however, both MUST be done trusting the Lord.
I will run the race that is set before me, both spiritually and physically, trusting in Lord, looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. I will do it trusting in Him who endured the cross for my sake, taking on the wrath of God in order for me to be reconciled to God. He is a great God! I deserve nothing I have been given, yet it has been given. Pray for me as I pray, trust, and seek the Lord in this race set before me. Pray with every mile my heart grows closer and closer to Him who created me, and loves me unconditionally.

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